Mentoring for international students
Studenten im Audimax

Mentoring for international students

International student offers support to international students on individual, study-related and social issues

German version

Mentoring for international students

Mentoring for international students is a new support service for international students. It is aimed at all international students who are enrolled at TH Wildau, regardless of whether they already live in Germany or are still in their home country. The mentor is an international student herself. As a student contact person, he/she provides support during the start of studies and in everyday study life and helps with individual and study-related issues with tips, advice and referral to the right contact person at the TH Wildau. 

About our mentors for international students

Thanippulige Hansimala Jayarathne (Hansi) is an international student at TH Wildau and currently in her 3rd semester studying Aeronautical Engineering / Aviation Management: "Before I entered Germany, I had problems with my visa also and therefore I could not start my studies at TH Wildau until the 2nd semester. Having gone through some difficulties myself regarding registration and de-registration of exams as well as paying the semester ticket in correct time frame or finding the relevant contact person, I personally think I can help you to start your studies at the TH Wildau and to give you tips, hints & more importantly correct information."

International Mentoring
© TH Wildau

Appointment & Contact

Mit dem Absenden dieser Angaben stimmen Sie zu, dass wir Ihre persönlichen Daten ausschließlich zum Zweck der Kontaktaufnahme und Terminfindung speichern und akzeptieren die Datenschutzerklärung der TH Wildau ( Ihre Daten werden mit Abschluss der Beratung gelöscht. / By sending this information, you agree that we store your personal data exclusively for the purpose of contacting you and finding an appointment, and you accept the privacy policy of TH Wildau ( Your data will be deleted upon completion of the consultation.

* Pflichtfeld

FAQs - coming soon

Thanippulige Hansimala Jayarathne (Hansi), Mudannayake Manage Priyasvee H. Mudannayake (Pree) and Sahand Baratian are international students and mentors for international students. Contact: international.mentoring(at)

Consultation hours

  • Hansi: Mo, Tue, Wed, Thu: 16:00-17:00 online.
  • Pree: Tue 13:00-14:00 on campus and Fri 13:00-14:00 on campus or online.
  • Sahand: Tue and Thu on campus (13-204)


Welcome Broschüre from Studentenwerk Potsdam