5th International Colloid Conference, Colloid and Interface Sciences for a Brighter Future,
21. - 24.06.2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tagungsbeiträge der AG Biosystemtechnik
S. C. Feifel, K. R. Stieger, F. Lisdat,
"Nanobionic architectures of photosystem I on π-system modified graphene electrodes"
D. Sarauli, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing, B. Schulz, F. Lisdat,
"Direct interaction of sulfonated polyaniline with the enzyme PQQ-GDH: A profound basis for the construction of sensing electrodes"
C. Wettstein, C. Kyne, A. Doolan, H. Möhwald, P. B. Crowley, F. Lisdat,
"Study of cytochrome c-DNA interaction - Evaluation of binding sites on the redox protein"