4th European Biosensorsymposium (EBS),
27.-30.08.2023, Aachen, Germany
Beiträge der TH Wildau
G. Göbel, F. Müller, A. Talke, U. Ahnert, F. Lisdat,
"Determination of protease activities at different protein modified 3D structures".
A. Kapp, M. Riedel, G. Göbel, S. Morlock, A. Zouni, F. Lisdat, (Posterpreis)
"Photobioelectrochemical cells as potential energy source for sensing applications",
G. Göbel, S. Höfs, T. Greiner, A. Talke, U. Ahnert, F. Lisdat,
"Activity determination of enzymes related to the treatment of Morbus Parkinson".