The 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry
Electrochemistry from Knowledge to Innovation
02.09. - 07.09.2018, Bologna, Italy
Beiträge der TH Wildau
F. Lisdat, K. Stieger, S. C. Feifel, D. Ciornii, A. Zouni, E. Lojou,
"Photobioelectrodes based on photosystem I and small redox proteins and coupling to a biocatalytic reaction"
F. Lisdat, G. Fusco, G. Göbel, G. Favero, M. Bracciale, R. Zanoni, F. Mazzei,
"A polymeric interface for efficient bioelectrocatalysis of PQQ GDH based on electrosynthesis of polythiophene from aqueous media"