10th International Frumkin Symposiumon Electrochemistry,
21.-23.10.2015, Moscow, Russia
Beiträge der AG Biosystemtechnik
F. Lisdat, D. Sarauli, C. Wettstein,
"The Communication of Fructose Dehydrogenase with Electrodes Exploiting Polymer-Enzyme Interaction"
S. C. Feifel, A. Kapp, R. Ludwig, F. Lisdat,
"Supramolecular Protein Arrangement on Electrodes: A Switchable Reaction Scheme for Dual-Analyte Detection"
K. R. Stieger, S. C. Feifel, F. Lisdat,
"Protein-Based photobioelectrodes of photosystem I using cytochrome c as natural conductive matrix element"