A very warm welcome!
Welcome to our new website. Wildauer Maschinen Werke is the learning, research and transfer platform for digital skills at the TH Wildau. We are a network of various study programs and research groups that combine to form a virtual case study in the context of a vehicle construction company.
Story of the WMW
For some time now, the TH Wildau has been testing a new approach to practice-oriented teaching in order to offer an innovative type of study - Made in Wildau. Students slip into various jobs during their studies and actively apply and expand the knowledge they have acquired so far. The framework for this is provided by so-called learning factories. These are fictitious companies that are formed by merging different degree courses and applying the respective core competencies of the participating degree courses in the various departments of the company.
One of these learning factories is Wildauer Maschinen Werke (WMW), an automotive company that designs and produces its own real vehicles and also focuses on autonomous driving. A wide range of degree courses such as industrial engineering, business informatics, telematics, automation technology, traffic systems engineering, business administration and mechanical engineering are integrated thematically.
This creates an exciting playground for students to test their own skills and expand them in the further development of WMW products. At the same time, students get to know possible fields of activity in the economy during their studies, which is further enhanced by the inclusion of real practical partners.
Future Mobility Center (FMC)
Find out more about the WMW in scientific publications: WMW@ResearchGate

FMC - New Location!!!
Our learning factory now also brings together its local project lectures in the fields of industrial engineering, business informatics, automation technology and much more in one central location:
House 24
2. OG – Room 213-215
Schwartzkopffstraße 9
D-15745 Wildau
WMW in the specialist literature
The speaker of WMW, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kubica, and his doctoral student, Tobias Peuschke-Bischof, have contributed a chapter to the book "Applying Data Science".
This chapter describes the integration of a framework for the management and analysis of vehicle data for model-based driver assistance system development in teaching and research.